1095 Legendre E Street
Montreal, QC H2M 2N2
We Take Emergencies
In case of a dental emergency, such as a toothache, Clinique Dentaire Christophe Colomb is there to assist you and take care of you. Our team is there to listen to you and look after yourself.
If your tooth has suddenly moved following a trauma, call us immediately for an emergency. We will do our best to alleviate your pain and fix the problem.
Thanks to an X-ray, we will detect the cause of your dental pain and proceed with an intervention depending on the situation.
Before starting the treatment, we will consult you to see if you are suffering from any illness and taking any medication.
For any emergency, call us immediately.
How to Prevent a Dental Emergency?
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Prevention is necessary
Good oral hygiene on a daily basis
Routine examinations
Reducing the consumption of sweet foods
A mouth guard for athletes
Contact Our Team
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