1095 Legendre E Street
Montreal, QC H2M 2N2
We Take Emergencies
Root canal treatment helps keep your tooth instead of pulling it out by removing the infected or dead pulp. With this treatment, your teeth's alignment remains intact, and you don't have to replace it with an artificial one. By observing and detecting other teeth changes, your dentist may find an infection or abscess that causes extreme pain. We perform the endodontic treatment to care for your dental pulp. To give your tooth its original function, a restoration is required. Repair is done using crowns, bridges, or dentures.
What is Endodontic Treatment?
List 21
Begins with local anaesthesia
Placement of a rubber dam around the tooth
Accesses the canal by creating an opening
Removes the pulp
Fills and seals the channel
Closes the tooth with a filling
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