1095 Legendre E Street
Montreal, QC H2M 2N2
We Take Emergencies
Ask us how simple it can be to transform your smile and give you the confidence you deserve.
Your Dentist Is Your Dental Health Partner
Maintaining a good relationship with our patients is a very important part of our work. Whether you need an extraction, treatment for bruxism, a dental emergency or cosmetic dentistry, we take the time to reassure you and provide you the best treatment. To make things easier for you, we offer electronic invoicing (ACDnet) for your insurance purposes.
Make Your Smile Shine
Be sure to visit your dentist annually for an oral check-up and cleaning. This gives you a healthy smile and prevents some oral health problems that could cause you unnecessary pain and expense. The five dentists on our team will give you hygiene advice and perform the appropriate treatments to make your smile shine.
Comfortable Dental Care
We welcome you at our family clinic to provide you comprehensive general dentistry care. Our dentists, hygienists, assistants and secretaries work together to ensure your comfort. We like to see new faces and we are fortunate to have a dentist in pediatric care. Thanks to the combined know-how of our four dentists, we can offer you all the care you need and answer all your questions.
Professional Affiliations